Partner news: Combine 3D models and X-ray images with the latest release of Mimics®

Partner news: Combine 3D models and X-ray images with the latest release of Mimics®

June 20, 2014

A new X-ray module has been added to the Mimics® Innovation Suite (Materialise NV) which allows its users to align X-ray images with 3D models and determine 3D position of bone and implant models based on X-ray images. The software suite which is best known for the segmentation of CT or MRI images to create 3D models and use them for analysis, for design of patient specific devices or to create finite element meshes, now opens up an entire new range of possibilities.
Being able to analyze the 3D position of bones and implants at different points in time or in different conditions without the need of multiple CT or MRI scans, but instead using commonly available X-ray images, drastically increases the amount of clinical data engineers can use in their workflow. This is for example a big leap forward for anyone who is working with 3D surgical planning techniques like patient specific guides, because besides planning and designing in 3D, they can now finally also measure the post-operative result in 3D. This allows to finally close the engineering cycle, allowing researchers to better analyze and improve their innovations.
In a recent Materialise webinar, guest speakers from the Hospital of Special Surgery in New York and from the orthopedic company Zimmer explain how they used this new module for custom implant evaluation and in the design of a shoulder implant system respectively.
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