Guest Lecture Series #4: Professor Paul Hatton – Enhanced Bioactivity in Biomaterials for Manufacture of Medical Devices for Bone Tissue Regeneration

Date: November 27, 2015
Location: University of Nottingham
Enchanced Bioactivity in Biomaterials for Manufacture of Medical Devices for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Friday 27 November 2015, 2-5pm , lab tours and lunch from 12.45pm
University of Nottingham – booking essential
Professor Paul Hatton is Professor of Biomaterials Science and Honorary Non-Clinical Investigator at the University of Sheffield.
Professor Hatton’s research group conducts internationally leading research in bioengineering and health technologies. He has served as an elected officer for both national and international societies including President of the UK Society for Biomaterials and the Council of the European chapter of the Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS, as well as leading a number of European research projects and activities. The group’s research includes the investigation of innovative manufacturing technologies for biomaterials, medical devices and regenerative therapies and has research funding of £1.8 million from a range of sponsors including the EPSRC, MRC, Wellcome Trust, the EC, and industry.
Professor Hatton has personal interests in biomaterials, medical devices and tissue engineering for clinical applications in human skeletal tissues. Major projects include the development of bioactive glasses and ceramics for mineralised tissue repair including glass-ionomer bone cements that have been developed for clinical use, the in vitro evaluation of biocompatibility, and musculoskeletal tissue engineering using biomaterial scaffolds. He is also active more broadly in the promotion of academic-industrial collaboration and technology transfer in the orthopaedic, craniofacial and dental material sectors.
The research
Professor Paul Hatton will present an overview of his research into developing resorbable bioactive materials to regenerate and restore function to both bone and cartilage defects, paving the way towards osteochondral repair and enabling faster and enable shorter recovery time. He will demonstrate how different material modifications can alter tissue response, and consider how these might form a part of future manufacturing processes for medical devices. Prof Paul Hatton is working with colleagues across MeDe Innovation to address these and other challenges related to the development of devices for minimially invasive treatments.
Lecture programme
12.45pm: Lab tours
1.15: lunch and networking
2pm: ‘An in-vitro study of encapsulated hMSC in fibrin/nano-hydroxyapatite hydrogel caged within 3D printed PLA scaffolds’ – Simon Partridge – University of Newcastle
2.20: ‘Antimicrobial surface manufacturing – from micro to nano scale’ – Dr Maria Katsikogianni – University of Bradford
2.40: ‘In-sillico modelling of the spine for Medical Devices Innovation’ – Dr Marlene Mengoni – University of Leeds
3pm: ‘Enhanced Bioactivity in Biomaterials for Manufacture of Medical Devices for Bone Tissue Regeneration’ – Professor Paul Hatton – University of Sheffield
4pm: Close
MeDe Innovation Guest Lecture Series Programme
The MeDe Innovation Guest Lecture Series is a programme of lectures led by its esteemed academic leadership in the field of innovative medical device manufacturing throughout 2015.
During the visit to a MeDe Innovation academic centre, the invited guest will present their research in a free to attend, open lecture. There are also other opportunities for the research community to engage in activities; such as ECR meetings, lab tours and the chance to present.
Attendees are invited from across the medical device manufacturing (Class III) sector.
Through the MeDe Innovation Guest Lecture Series, the research community can learn, meet, network, share experience, and build stronger cross-centre relationships.
Each MeDe Innovation Academic Centre will host a guest lecture (further details TBC):
Phil Coates at University of Sheffield – December
Who can attend?
MeDe Innovation Guest Lectures are free and open to all with an interest in innovative manufacturing in musculoskeletal medical devices. Booking is essential.
Other MeDe Innovation events
Annual Conference: Newcastle Centre for Life, 28 January 2016

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