Join Us

The MeDe Innovation Network community exists to provide support to the medical device sector. As a member of the Network, you will benefit from:

  • access to information about manufacturing research, from our Centre’s research outputs,  international partnerships,  and clinical centres in medical device innovation throughout the UK.
  • access to Technology Roadmapping techniques to help shape and inform future research needs
  • updates on sector news and events , through e-newsletters, network events and an annual review
  • commercial opportunities arising from our work with the Medical Technologies Innovation and Knowledge Centre
  • being part of an influential contributor to the UK medical device landscape
  • marketing opportunities to highlight your organisation’s news and events on the Mede Innovation website

As part of the Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices, dissemination of research and moving it along to adoption and commercialisation is central to our mission and we value input from those working across the medical device sector in the UK.

The network aims to not only inform, but also to connect, enabling businesses, policy makers, academics and clinicians to share information, knowledge and ideas and debate the challenges and issues facing the community.

Membership is free and it’s easy to join – please contact us.