Project DIGINOVA: Biomedical Applications for Digital Fabrication

Project DIGINOVA: Biomedical Applications for Digital Fabrication

Date: November 6, 2013

Location: CPI’s National Printable Electronics Centre, Sedgefield

MeDe are advertising this event on behalf of DIGINOVA and Kenny Dalgarno, Newcastle University (MeDe Co-Investigator).
Attendees of the event will include DIGINOVA project partners from across Europe covering academia, research institutes and industry. Participants will have the opportunity to gain innovative insights on digital fabrication in Europe and its potential applications in the biomedical field.
Delegates will have an opportunity to see demonstrators of the technology and to tour CPI’s National Printable Electronics Centre.
The event will focus on:
• Digital fabrication in Europe
• The role of the biomedical sector
• Routes to commercialisation
• Recent technology advancements
The DIGINOVA project will determine the current status of Digital Fabrication in Europe and assess and promote its potential for the future of materials research and manufacturing. The project is mapping key material innovation and application domains, as well as identifying key technology challenges and new business opportunities.
DIGINOVA identifies and connects main stakeholders through the establishment of innovation networks and identifies feasible routes to commercialisation.
Download the event flyer for further information